Are you looking for a

Debt Free life?

MEG Consulting provides solutions that lessen the burden of debt in your life and bring you peace.

Who is MEG Consulting?

MEG Consulting provides an array of financial products and services to help ease the debt burden faced by many South Africans for over 15 years and counting. Our team of consultants are well equipped to offer solutions that include:

Let's call you back

Most South Africans spend over 75% of their salaries repaying debt, are you also struggling with paying your debts? Our team is ready to assist.

Why Choose MEG Consulting

With over 15 years of financial industry experience, we guarantee a peace of mind.

MEG understands that as multilingual as South Africans are, sometimes it’s easier for people to express themselves in their home language. Hence we are willing to help in your language.

We understand that there are basic needs that people need to survive. Whether it’s food, shelter or school fees, we make sure that those are taken care of before everything else.

Our interventions include legally protecting our consumers from creditors taking legal action against them.

Our team is always ready to attend to our customers’ needs and our long industry experience gives us the ability to solve matters quickly.

We offer financial education with every solution that we provide so you can grasp better financial management skills and build a better financial future.

We have helped hundreds of clients get their financial affairs in order. See what they have to say about MEG Consulting.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the questions that most people often ask regarding solutions we provide. We hope the answers fulfill your questions too, if not simply request us to call you back.

Debt review is a legal process that helps over-indebted consumers who are struggling to meet their monthly debt obligations, by taking them through a plan that will enable them to stop repossession of their assets and take care of their basic needs whilst making negotiated repayments over a stated time period.

  • Anyone with accounts that are 2-3 or more months in arrears.
  • Anyone struggling to pay monthly installments and doesn’t know what to do.
  • If you have received final demand letters from credit providers.
  • If you are getting endless calls from credit providers payments.
  • After deducting your household living expenses from your net income you don’t have enough cash left over to pay your monthly installments on debts.

There is a lot of benefits to taking up Debt Review, here are some of the advantages:

  • Your assets are legally protected while under debt review.
  • All debts are consolidated into one, without the need to take out one bigger loan.
  • All household expenses are covered before any creditor.
  • Interest rates are lowered.

As Debt Counsellors, MEG Consulting is bound by law to treat the personal information of all consumers who apply for Debt Review as strictly confidential. We only notify your credit providers and the credit bureaus of your status, all this for your benefit as the Debt Review is meant to protect your consumer rights.